泉州-丰泽区 其他-专科医院

爱尔眼科医院集团是全球规模领先的眼科医疗连锁机构,IPO上市医疗机构(股票代码: 300015,2015年入选沪深300指数股)。截至2017年10月,已在中国大陆30个省市区建立200余家专业眼科医院,覆盖全国医保人口超过70%,年门诊量超过400 万人。并且,在美国、欧洲和香港开设有80余家眼科医院。   Aier Eye Hospital Group is world's leading hospital network in eye care, and is also China's first IPO listed medical institution (stock code: 300015, one of the CSI 300 index selected in 2015). As of October 2017, Aier Eye Hospital Group has established more than 200 specialized eye hospitals covering 30 provinces and extended our services to 70% of insured population all over the country with over 4 million outpatient visits annually. Recently, There are more than 80 ophthalmic branches in the United States, Europe and Hongkong.   爱尔眼科致力于引进和吸收国际同步的眼科技术与医疗管理理念,以专业化、规模化、科学化为发展战略,推动中国眼科医疗事业的发展。   Aier is committed to the parallel introduction and absorption of world-leading ophthalmic technology and management concept, with professionalism, scale and science as its strategy to advance the development of China's ophthalmic medical care.   通过不断的探索与实践,并充分吸纳国际先进的医疗管理经验的基础上,成功探索出一套适应中国国情和市场环境的眼科医院连锁经营管理模式——“分级连锁”。利用人才、技术和管理等方面的优势,通过全国各连锁医院良好的诊疗质量、优质的医疗服务和专业的市场推广,使爱尔眼科成为全国各地眼科患者信赖的眼科医院。   Base on constant exploration and practice, also with absorb advanced international medical management experience, Aier Eye Hospital Group has successfully established the "hierarchical chain" management model that adapts to China's market environment. Utilizing our advantages in talent, technology and management, we aim to provide the most trusted eye care to patients all over the country.   2013年,爱尔眼科医院集团与中南大学联合成立专业的眼科医学院——中南大学爱尔眼科学院,主要培养眼科硕、博士高级医疗人才;2014年,再度与湖北科技大学联合成立爱尔眼视光学院。2011年和2015年,爱尔眼科先后成立“爱尔眼视光研究所”和“爱尔眼科研究所”。至此,爱尔眼科打通了眼科的医、学、研三大领域,学院和研究所的成立将使爱尔眼科的科研及临床水平得到显著提升,并以此推动中国眼科医疗事业的发展和进步。   In 2013, Aier and Central South University jointly set up Aier School of ophthalmology, CSU, to educate and train medical professionals with advanced degrees; Once again in 2014, Aier joined the Hubei University of Science and Technology to establish the Aier School of Ophthalmology

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